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Skin & Laser Treatment


non-invasive and non-surgical facelift/skin tightening procedure without down time

The Ultherapy procedure uses the medical ultrasound technology to counteract and correct the effects of time and gravity on the skin. It helps to give a firmer and more youthful appearance after just one treatment with no downtime.

Furthermore, this procedure allows a reduction in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, lifting of the brow line to reduce the droopiness around the eyes, lifting of sagging skin on the cheeks, improvement in the folds of the nose-to-mouth and mouth-to-jaw regions, a more defined jawline and neck lift, smoothing of Crows feet and a more open look in the eye region, and finally improvement in skin texture and tone.

Under Eye $600

Upper Face $1400

Lower Face $1990

Full Face $2800

Double Chin $800

Neck $900

Full Face +Double Chin+ Neck $3900


PicoSure is the world’s first and only picosecond aesthetic laser cleared by the FDA. 

Fewer treatments, faster recovery time, and greater results are achievable with PicoSure’s ground-breaking picosecond technology.

And PicoSure NOW with the FOCUS Lens Array, offers skin revitalisation treatments that are unparalleled and not only are the results long-lasting but the downtime is minimal. The FOCUS Lens Array harnesses the power of picosecond technology and delivers ultra short pulses to the skin, stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. This process will effectively take years off your skin!


Full Face $800

Focus Full Face $1000

Neck Add On $200

Tattoo Remove (Consultation)

Per 1cm Square Metre


Collagen induction therapy

Fractional Dermal-Needling System uses individual sterile microneedle cartridges to penetrate the skin surface with micro channels.  These miniscule micro channels excite the release of growth factors that lead to the synthesis of new collagen. The growth factors that produce new collagen and elastin fibres help to improve the skin’s texture, tone and appearance. Micro needling can be used to treat damaged skin textures, including stretch marks, acne scars, keloid scars, wrinkles, and can be safely used on all skin types and skin colors. Also be used with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate the face and slow down the ageing process.


With Skin Booster $400

With Ycellbio $450

Medi Aesthetic Peels

Aqua peels are one of the most popular treatments in dermatology clinics in Korea – and for very good reason. These express treatments blitz pores with an exfoliating water-based gel and a suction device that literally pulls out gunk from the skin and removes blackheads, while skin is flooded with moisture. It’s often combined with other powerful active ingredients to really deliver a punch. 

Aqua Lactic Acid Peel $200

Aqua Salocylic Acid peel $200

AHA Peel &120

AHA & BHA Peel $120

Micro Dermabrasion $120

Candela Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Science. Results. Trust.

A legacy of innovating medical aesthetic treatment solutions that change lives.

The elōs Plus® device is a revolutionary step forward for aesthetic medicine. It combines optical (laser or pulsed light) and radio frequency (RF) energies to deliver comfortable treatments.

ELOS Medical Acne Laser AC $200

ELOS Skin Rejuvenation SR $200

ELOS Tightening Sublime $250

*Advanced Skin Treatment From $99

Add on 3Max $99

Add on Light Therapy $77

Laser Hair Remover

We use the Pulsar Multifunction IPL System to effectively removing unwanted hair.

Underarm $50

Brazilian $100

Chest $100

Half leg $150

VISIA Skin analysis

(Complementary if package)


A VISIA Analysis captures information from six areas affecting complexion health: wrinkles, spots, pores, evenness (color variation in skin tone), porphyrins (evidence of bacteria in pores), and UV spots. This unique system captures digital images of the face and you will able to see the sun damage under the surface of the skin. Additionally, the VISIA will provide a comparison to others of the same age, sex and ethnicity. This is the first step to optimum complexion health and vitality.

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